Friday, March 13, 2009

"Spring Break" = 3 blends...what are they?

So, I was thinking that I should write up some notes of things I wanted to post...but of course I didn't do that because that would have made sense.

Anyway, THANK.GOODNESS.FOR.SPRING.BREAK. When I thought I couldn't yell any louder, well, then I went to school this week and lord knows it was the loudest week yet. Apparently it's all down hill from here. The weeks leading up to spring break are known for being dreadful. Then by the time you get back it's warming up outside, then it's nearing the end of the school year...oh.mah.gosh. The other day I was walking down the hallway at school and I kind of laughed to myself thinking, "oh.cripes, I am a teacher." I know, I know, it has set in earlier, but for some reason I still think it's kind of funny that I am capable of teaching 24 children. I have to admit, it is amazing to watch my kids learn how to read. The more blends we know, the more doors that are opened to being able to read. We learned 'er' in the last two weeks and some of my top kids are totally reading words like "sister" "brother" "grandfather" it's incredible. Then I have kids that just totally make up words that are NOT on the page. ahhhh...I wish I knew how to differentiate.

Last Monday we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday. I painted my kid's faces with whiskers and a white dot on their nose to look like cat and the hat. It was wicked cute until they all picked it off. We also wore pictures of shirts that gave us a new name, since Dr. Seuss is so good at making up words that rhyme with things we know. Wocket in my Pocket is one of my favorite books, so each of my kids were things like vug under the rug, Zelf upon the shelf, etc. Plus, that was the first day that I had an alternative spring break'er in my room. He was there from a college in Texas and helped us that was crazy because my kids LITERALLY thought they were invincible because he was in there.

My problem child has been much less of a problem lately. Although on Tuesday, he gave my assistant SOOOO much grief, throwing pencils, raging around the room, disturbing EVERYONE in their centers, etc...that she went over to his one-of-a-kind marble jar and took a whole HANDFUL of marbles and put them in the sad jar. Normally he gets one at a time and I don't think he's had more than 5 a day all year...haha, that day he had half the cup full. Don't worry, he was kicked out of the classroom twice and finally sent home from school after punching and kicking me in the hallway. Don't feel bad for me, I asked for it...I heard him sitting outside of the office playing with another kid so I went down there and got in his face. Hey, if you're sitting outside of the office waiting for the principal to come back so she can send you home, you had better NOT be playing with the other naughty kid who is going home for a three day suspension vacay. My principal and a few others in the school think I have a wealth of patience, little do they know that my patience is on the shortest string I've got...they are fooled.

Today, the day before spring break...we spent the afternoon having an activity/health fair type of thing. We went to different rooms and did exercises, tried healthy foods, etc. Let me tell you, the healthy foods we tried were a cup of ranch with a piece of carrot in it and another cup with raspberries and blueberries. Then, 1/2 hour later we got to use our tickets to go buy hot cheetos, fruit snacks, juice, nachos, fruit rollups, etc. The kids could bring $2 for snacks, which equals FOUR snacks. OMG...what a joke. Oh well...we survived the hectic afternoon in a more mild manner than previous days. During the first 15 minutes I was supposed to be teaching a health lesson that was handed to me at the start of that lesson...well, I skimmed the page, we talked about fruit, exercise, drinking water and tumbling. I don't know why tumbling was on this sheet, but whatever. I showed the kids how to do a somersault and they FLIPPED out. I didn't know if my feet would go over my head the way they were supposed to, but they did!

Today was also the first day I have ever watched a kid get "paddled" in the office. One of my students got her clip moved from blue to green for not following directions in the hallway, this is surprising in itself because she usually spends the entire day hanging out on red (TERRIBLE). But, yesterday and today she has talked back when I moved her clip. Both days I sent her into the room by herself to put her head down while we were in the hallway finishing our bathroom break. BOTH days she went in the room and screamed bloody murder. Literally, you would have thought someone was whooping her right there. Today, it was absurd (my kids love that work). I went in the room, took her arm and led her down the hall, which of course made the screaming worse but whatever...I'm not dealing with crap like that from a child who already spends the majority of the day talking back to me. If you're going to add screaming to that, I'm done. She got three "licks" from the paddle and my principal made her apologize to me and we left. I'm not sure how to feel about it. She needed it...but then again, she could have gone back to the office 2 more times that afternoon for just being such a punk that I want to scream. Her mouth drives me nuts AND her and her twin have the nerve to talk back to kids in 4th and 5th grade. Little do they know, one of these days one of those older kids will backhand them and they'll learn. My kids' parents tell their kids, 'if someone hits you, you hit them back.' It's such a great parenting strategy, I can't even get over it.

Okay, getting long marks the end of our 3rd quarter...holy bologna, one more quarter to get these kids ready for first grade....eeeek. We did master addition and subtraction in the last month though, that makes me feel better!'s Friday night...I'm 30+ hours away from my flight to HAWAII!!! SOOOO....FREAKING....EXCITED. Spending the week on the beach and getting a wicked tan and I will come back the happiest kindergarten teacher alive! The only downside...we have to get up at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning to make it to Memphis to catch our 6 a.m. flight! I'm staying up LATE tonight so I can fall asleep tomorrow at 9 p.m.!! Random fact of the day...I learned that I have enough space (and ceiling height) to complete a full golf swing in my I just need a rug so I don't scrape up the brick floor!

Miss you all...but not the ice storms you're getting up there! Last week was 70 and even 83 one day. This week has been 30-40 and rainy...blah...ALOHA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, kami. once again, you have made me smile with your crazy stories of teaching. you have an incredible amount of patience, even though you may not think you do. there are not many people that could make it through a whole year at this school like you have. and you are making a difference whether or not you see it now. those kids are better off with you in their lives. and hawaii?!?! i'm super jealous. i'm going to denver for a few days over spring break to visit one of my best friends who moved out there in august. i'm excited. i've never been out there. actually, your amazing sister is giving me a ride to the airport. well, i hope that you are having a blast on your trip! can't wait to hear about it! miss you! =)