Tuesday, October 27, 2009

38 years old when this class graduates high school, ick

Blogspot has me irate right now...I typed up an entire post today during my planning period in my e-mail and it won't let me copy and paste..WTF??? So, now it's 10:45 p.m. and I'm retyping this stupid thing...AH-NOYED. Here was the original post...

Ahhh...I realize I haven't written and we were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch...well, no worries, I'll DEFINITELY post right after that field trip, however, we cannot go until stops.frickin.raining. Ugh...we were scheduled to go last Thursday. Then it was forecasted for 90% change of rain. We canceled it and postponed it until Tuesday (today) (only 10% chance of rain). Well, by Monday, Tuesday was at 70% chance of rain. UGH...Wednesday is 10% but we have a short day so we can't go that day. Thursday is 70%, BLAH. Friday is 40%, we're shooting for Friday, it looks like we're going next Monday and the kids will get pumpkins on November 2....worse things have happened I guess?

To add to the chaos that naturally ensues around here...we had Dad's day last Friday. Holy crazy. Turns out we had 150 dads show up (um..guarantee they've never had that many dads in there at one time) to the program at 10 a.m. Well it was over around 11:30 (just as we were lining up to go to lunch), however, ALL of the dads could go get their kids, their step kids, the kids that live with them, kids that live with their cousins, their nephews, their neighbors, practically anyone I guess and eat lunch with them. The line was DOWN the hallway, like all the way to the end. We couldn't eat until the dads and rando kids went through and it was TOTALLY straight out of a snickers commercial, "not going anywhere for awhile?!" We didn't eat lunch until 12:30 and by then only 7 kids hadn't eaten. What a hot mess! However, with our schedule being messed up, we did a short math worksheet and took a long nap. It was Friday, we deserved it (and I needed to get work done...sorry achievement gap, not closing you much today).

Also, a random plea...if you know of anyone wanting to get rid of an old VCR I would TOTALLY take it. The one I have in my classroom is eating tapes like they're hot cheetos. This sounds mundane, however, anytime we can't go to the computer lab or library (due to rain aka ALL the time) we stay in the room and watch VHS movies. This VCR is making me nervous and mildly stressed out that I might have to start giving them work to do during my planning period...eeekk!

Anyone, don't know too much else. Hopefully by Friday we will be boarding the bus for the pumpkin patch. Then Saturday is the halloween party at our house...anyone want to join? My roommate, Jenn, and I are going to be hunters and carry nerf guns. I really only want to do this for the nerf guns! my other roommate, Lois, can't be a hunter because she's Buddhist and killing animals is like killing a relative in their second life...I don't know? But she's going to be the zodiac and read fortunes or something along those lines. Anyone, find a cheap flight and come join in the fun? I usually don't get excited about halloween....but this weekend looks like it is going to be really fun!

Tidbit for the day...D'Marco STRUGGLES with letters and sounds and has a HARD time telling me the beginning sound for any word. However, he CLEARLY knew that the birds we were counting in math were parrots, "cause that's what they be lookin like." Then later we did a sounds worksheet and I was explaining the last picture to them and before I said "sub" he shouts out "that's a submarine." Really child? Who are you? And why can't you tell me that you hear /s/ in that word. Oh well....

PS...I feel a migraine or the flu coming on....taking off Thursday to catch up on life. Ridiculous, I know. But I need to write a research paper and you better believe it's not getting done this weekend. Plus..I've got all sorts of grand plans for getting my eyebrows done, an oil change, getting party stuff, cleaning my house, organzing my office, going to the post office....all things I CANNOT do during the week. So...my first order of business is that darn paper...then the rest of the stuff. I'm SOOOO excited. Feel free to call and check in on my progress...would love to hear from you :)

Over and out girl scout.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Case of the Octobers...

I know, I know...it's been a month. I'll do better, I promise. Luckily, I sit in grad class every Tuesday, so now I take the liberty of writing things down to write in my blog since there is really no reason to listen to the discussion happening around me. Speaking of which...is it ironic that I am getting a masters degree IN education in one of the worst states educationally speaking? 35% of high school students drop out before graduating in Mississippi and yet we're getting our masters degrees here. Something doesn't seem right...

Highlight/lowlights of the last 4 weeks of my life...
(-) instead of giving 9 weeks tests, I was told that during my planning period I needed to be working on filling out basic contact information/shots/SSN for each child on their cumulative folder. Apparently cumulative folders trump 9 weeks tests when you know there is an audit around the corner.
(-) Speaking of 9 weeks tests, one of the days I had no assistant, a crabby class and it was raining which equals being stuck inside all.stinkin.day. ick.
(-) it's getting cold here. Our house has been 60-65 the last couple of days, although I think it gets colder than that at night...I know, it doesn't seem bad, but when you go outside and the temperature is the same as it is inside, you know there is a problem.
(+) The colder temperatures have greatly reduced the number of steroid-induced mosquitoes around these parts, particularly in my bedroom. I have been seeing more cockroaches though :(
(-) Cody and I broke up...stop asking when you're going to get to meet him.
(-) I ask my class how they are doing each morning when we get to the rug. They have to give me a variety of responses using different vocabulary. One day I asked them if they want to know how I am. One kid instantly responded, "sad." truth. I started to tear up in front of them, what on earth, no rhyme or reason for it, I was fine. Don't worry, it didn't affect them, they were still bad for the rest of the day. No compassion I tell you.
(+) Last weekend we got out of the Delta and went to stay at Mike and Gretchen's house (even though they were on vacay) and went to the Mississippi State Fair...if you know me, you know this was a big deal. My roommates and I did a ride just like the Power Tower at Valleyfair, which is kind of sketchy to think that this was a carnival and therefore none of the rides or objects were stationary. It was so fun though!
(+) Guests: I had two nursing students in my room observing and assisting one day. The next day came and I knew my assistant was going to be out so I asked my principal if the nursing students were coming back, just to gauge how I was going to fill 1 1/2 hours on my own with everyone doing the same thing (they need to be split into groups). Well, she said no they were not coming back. Anyway, they were on the rug listening to me tell and illustrate a picture about snakes and I was modeling how to add text to our picture. All of a sudden we had 3 visitors knock and ask if they could watch, they had heard good things yadda, yadda, yadda. Sure, I figured they WERE nursing students, just dressed differently. Well, two things...my kids were FRICKIN amazing and thank goodness I did not talk to these women whom I thought were nursing students. Awhile after they left I realized they left me a note, turns our they were from TFA visiting the Delta. They are the institute design team and the core group of people planning the Delta's first summer institute (teacher training thing that I had to attend in Houston). Ohhh...emmmm......geeeee. I almost screamed, what are these big wigs doing here and in my room? Talk about nerve-racking, thank goodness I was not forewarned, I would have been a total nervous nelly. I went to a session about working at institute this weekend and the woman leading it told me I looked so familiar, after I said that she had been in my classroom a few weeks back, she just said, "Oh yeah, I knew that I recognized you, you did wonderful." Wow, my horrible-prosat-induced-mood was just lifted.
(+) Our pumpkin patch/farm trip is THIS THURSDAY. WHO WANTS TO COME?!?!?! This year they have a new haymaze, so I can't guarantee the haunted walk, but I can only hope for it. My camera will be out and ready either way.
(+) Finally booked my flights for Thanksgiving and Christmas...I love Minnesota....
(+/-) Tomorrow is a teacher "work day." We do not have kids, but we sit at school from 7:30 until 4 while parents come in to get report cards and talk about progress. I sent home notes with 4 kids requesting URGENT parent conferences because their student was getting one or more F's. Sorry, had to.
(-) It's just after 8 p.m., I wasted most of my day putzing on my computer and reading the hilarity on mylifeisaverage.com If you're bored, you should check it out. I feel awful, I took my temperature and it read 96, ugh, clearly that doesn't indicate a fever. I only ate a poptart today and am not hungry, something has to be wrong. My head is throbbing. WebMD told me nothing, blah.

Clearly the list I just made has more negatives than positives, i.e. the Octobers. October is the month that traditionally feels the longest. No end in sight. Children are restless, uninvested, crabby, needing a break...clearly I feel the same. It doesn't help that it has been raining for the last 3 weeks straight. Swear to it. The sun came out briefly on Friday and I made everyone look out the window because we haven't had a day that was NOT overcast in weeks.

Since everything has been negative in this post, I'll add one more. Friday was Ruleville's homecoming. I walked in the parade with the elementary cheerleaders from my school because they need extra help in these homecoming parades (Indianola's and Ruleville's). We found out after the parade that a high school senior girl was shot and killed by her boyfriend who then shot himself. Word was spreading during the parade. Students were gathering at the school, the high school football cheerleaders came over to out house since my friend is their coach and they needed to get out of there for awhile. It broke my heart, kids should not have to go through that. No one should have to go through that, but especially kids. The football game was somber, not packed, not enthusiastic; this town is about the size of Mapleton if that helps put anything in perspective.

Okay...I'm out, sorry for the depressing post. But after Thursday's trip to the farm/pseudo pumpkin patch, hopefully I'll have some great stories! :)