Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bitter Betty

Okay, this is me venting....why? No apparent reason. It hasn't been the greatest day, so now it the time to vent about the things I'm frustrated with.

First off, I just read through previous posts and realized that I should spell check these, sheesh. My main problem is that I write them either late at night or ridiculously early in the morning. And, the timestamp on the post is definitely not right because I have never posted at 4 a.m. like it says.

Anyway, things that annoy me: wearing sweatshirts/pants everyday in the summer, not being able to open my window even a little bit, the birds outside that wake me up before my alarm goes off at 5:40 a.m., how none of our bathroom doors have working locks, how only one of our showers works and we have NO hot water, how I feel like this is the beginning of college and people have to try way to hard to impress others, our dress code at school and not being able to wear capris that are shorter than mid-calf, how I sleep on a 'bouch' because it's a combination of a bed and a couch, how we leave for school at 6:52 a.m. but then sometimes have to stand outside for 5 minutes until someone will let us in the buildling even though we show up at the same time everyday, how certain people address us in such a demeaning way and constantly write out the word "MUST" in capital letters 5 times in one description. I completely realize that these people have been teaching for a year or more, and although I am probably as old or maybe even older than some of them, I'm still made to feel like I'm a 10 year-old at camp who can't do anything without specific, forceful instruction.

My last rant of the night...I've learned this already and I'm sure it will come up again, but I hate the way that people can/will challenge your reasons for being here. This decision wasn't easy for me to make, obvs. I cried each time I told someone. However, I'm not here because it was a guaranteed job for two years. If that was my reason, I would have stayed in Winona, making more money, and closer to family and friends. But, whatev. I have plenty of reasons for being here, I realize that I can't justify all of them just yet, but what kind of a person are you if you are making me justify my reasons anyhow?

And to top all of this Winona friends Matt and Danielle just got engaged and the only place I want to be is there celebrating with them.

Done-zo. I'll write a happier post tomorrow!

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