Monday, May 14, 2012

The show goes on alright...

Well, it's true.  The show goes on.  This song ( really isn't relevant other than the fact that the show does go on.  For me, the show continues here in the Delta. I'm honestly surprised that I am writing those words, but after 4 LONG months of applications, talking to other regions, interviewing, and LOTS of phone calls--I've decided to stay.  Not stay because I'm tired of looking, but stay because I applied for and was given an opportunity to really focus on things that I love--elementary education, quality professional development, empowering leaders within this movement to stop being complacent and start fighting for the education that their kiddos deserve.  So with that, starting June 1st I will be the Director of Teaching and Learning.  It is a position that will let me work with and train our course leaders and learning team leaders who facilitate Professional Development once a month.  I'll also get to focus on region-wide professional development that our corps members will take part in.  And lastly, I'll still have some corps members that I manage--probably less than 10, all elementary teachers.  I'm secretly thrilled about this last part.  If I support corps members at my former school again, it means I'll have teachers who teach 3rd and 4th grade--they'll have all of my former students.  In many ways, it's a second chance to make sure I do things right for my kids.  And lord knows I love them.

A few updates on the last 5 months, as it really has been 5 months since my last blog, whoops.  I don't feel like much happened this spring.  Two friends/coworkers and I went to the Dominican Republic for spring break.  One of my friends was gifted a spot at a timeshare resort, so the three of us jetted out of the country for a bit.  We were welcomed to the DR with some random country tax--literally, you pay $10 to get into the country and a very confusing taxi ride from the airport--however, we were greeted with a two story hotel room, the upstairs bedroom had a gorgeous ocean view, and a week of all-inclusive, beach laying, pina coloada drinking vacation.  It was glorious.  We literally layed on the beach all week, venturing out of the resort once to go horseback riding on the beach.

For Easter weekend, Cassie came to the Delta!  She came down with Jeannie and Trevor when they moved all of my belongings, but I was still lost and homeless so it wasn't nearly as exciting!  I picked her up on Friday with my three favs and we headed for the Memphis Zoo!  From what I've heard, the Memphis Zoo is much better than Jackson, so we decided to spend the afternoon there.  People were right, the zoo was HUGE and had a ton of animals---and is pretty much smack in the middle of the city.  The kiddos loved it, although the long day with lots of walking and warm weather definitely took a toll on all of us!
You can't really see it, but there is a massive gorilla sitting right behind my right shoulder!  We literally saw everything from giraffes, to elephants, to farm animals.  However, we skipped the aquarium (it was SO hot in there) and the reptiles--for obvious reasons. And good news, we only lost one kid for 10 seconds in the ENTIRE day!  Success all around!

Cassie and I spent the weekend touring the Delta, shopping, eating catfish and crawfish, playing tennis, walks through Ruleville, getting tan, etc.  We even cooked a massive Easter Brunch for several of my corps members that were in town!  Together we learned that a spiral cut ham is the best thing since sliced bread.  We then ate ham and egg bake for the rest of her trip!  Here's a picture of us before our brunch...the background looks like my house is still stuck in the 70's.  Sweet birds.

Well, that pretty much sums up my excitement from the spring.  State tests are now over, teachers are giving final exams and I've started my End of Year Conversations with each person.  School is done next Wednesday, just in time for people to take off for Memorial Day.  Kids are anxious and teachers are ready. It's hard to believe the year is over already--as a student it NEVER went by this fast!

Before I finish, I'll leave you with a few things I'm looking forward to in/around the Delta next year!...

Mardi Gras---seriously SO much fun! And way more family friendly than I anticipated (as long as you stay out of the French Quarter)

Every small down Delta fall/spring festival!  This is a picture of our roommate reunion at Juke Joint in Clarksdale, MS several weeks ago!

 Of course I'm excited about another year in Ruleville!