(show a picture of a pineapple) raised hand: “that spongebob horse”
“good!” “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”
L.G.: scroungebob
L.G: I aint’ your boyfriend
Me: L*****! What are you doing?
L.G.: Well she got her leg up on me.
L.G.: man, everybody be crying up in here…
Me: you’re right L*****, everybody up in here is crying…
C.C. (at lunch sitting at the end of the table): Man, I tore that cake UP. (so baffling because he doesn’t talk)
Student at lunch: whachu eatin’?
Me: Peanut butter and jelly.
Student: man I can’t eat that, my stomach be hurtin’
I.W.: We fenna go take pictures?
Me: No, we’re going to take a test. (close though)
Me: L***** go find Miss Viola Swamp for me will you? (I was referring to our favorite book)
(he went to open the closet door)
Mrs. Beamon: L*****, what are you looking for?
L.G.: Miss Viola Swamp
Me: Oh L******, the book, I’m sorry, I want the book about Ms. Swamp
(they totally believe Mrs. Viola Swamp is similar to a witch and lives in our closet…some kids cry if I leave them in the room while we go to the bathroom…)
Student: “That’s Ms. Ballard.”
Me: No, that’s my friend Ms. Matthews, she works in Ruleville.
Student: Ms. Ward, where you work at?
Me: Moorhead….here….with you…..
P.H.: Ms. Ward, I got a rat in my house
Me: Eww, you better kill that.
P.H.: nah, I’m keepin it.
At lunch randomly…
I.W.: Ms. Ward, I know what I’m gonna get you for Christmas.
Me: What’s that?
I.W.: A weddin’ dress.
J.T. (showing me she only had the word but no picture to match it to): ain’t no letter
Me: Ain’t no picture? (OH.CRAP.)
(5 months and I’m speaking incorrectly)
Everyone finished the day on blue and silver (the top two colors) “it’s a miracle” says B.C. (it really was a miracle for her)
We went outside for a fire drill. On our way back in, “Man, we went outside for nothin’,” C.C..the kid who doesn’t speak.
D.W.: Ms. Ward, my face is breaking out
Me: no, it’s okay
L.G: it’s trying to get white…so all the boys will talk to you.
Me: What would you do if a little fish sat on you?
C.W.: I’d flush it down the toilet
Me: I’ll bet Mrs. Beamon knows her sight words
L.G: Na-uh, she too grown
The ONLY day they were able to wear regular clothes (non-uniform clothes)
D.W.: Ms. Ward, I told you I had some tight pants
--giving her a strange look—
D.W.: I told you I had tight pants!
L.G: Ms. Ward, you look like little bo peep with that thing in your hair and that stick in your hand.
(I was wearing a ribbon in my hair and holding our behavior stick)
L.G.: them scissors are hungry
Me: what?
L.G.: They just want to eat that paper up
--I was cutting flashcards—
Me: Pick up
L.G: That mean clean up?
Me: ha, yes.
L.G.: I’m bigger than my brother ‘n my sister
Me: Poor Loriah, she’s so little (she’s older)
L.G.: Yeh, she gonna be a midget when she growd up
Me: L******! No she isn’t!
L.G.: Yeh she is (he was dead serious)
L.G.: Exaquation mark (Exclamation mark)
Student: Ms. Ward, you like a little children, you got all dem toys up in there
L.G.: see a flying star and making a wish
Me: you mean a shooting star
L.G.: Ima shoot it (making motion of a rifle) BOOM.
L.G.: Ms. Ward, I do this? (pointing to computer)
Me: No.
L.G.: Man, I wish I were teacher and all them children ask me and I say yep instead of nope. I let them do whatever they want.
--okay then, when your students are as naughty are you are, you let them play on the computer at the end of the day!—
Student: I skrong! (holding up three chairs)
Librarian: he’s a preacher
L.G.: hallelujah!
Ms. Ward reading a story: The rain came pouring down as the wind started to blow.
S.D.: Oh snap!
L.G.: (reading) The bear. A big ol’ fat bear (he added the last part, obvs.)
(turns to the next page) The wolf. (he hits me as I am writing) Look at it.
(turns to the page with a snake on it) WHOA…. (as he jumps back!)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I had professional development all day yesterday. Luckily they are in Cleveland for second semester, so I now only have to drive 15 minutes instead of 90. However, at the kindergarten learning team we focused on comprehension. This week I NEED to let my kids start having post-it notes in front of them when we are reading a story and have them write or draw pictures of things they are thinking or questions they have. This idea scares me half to death. But really, who is afraid of post-its? Me. Because that means I need to give 46 hands a pencil and post it notes AND expect them to sit appropriately AND still pay attention. I mean, we can't even sit still because we have shoe laces to play with and/or eat...what are we going to do with pencils and post-its? Guarantee three kids will tear them up and start eating them. At least 2 will color the entire post it until their pencil is dull. 6 of them will look at me blankly having NO clue what to do. And I guess it's a crapshoot to think about what the other half of the class might come up with. Oh the drama of kindergarten.
CONGRATS to my cousins Rachel and Craig on the birth of lil' Danielle (Dani) Rae on Friday! And Grandma Black, if you are reading this and haven't gone to the doctor for your back yet, I might have to call and yell at you!